Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

Lots of Queries

Total Queries: 67
Total Rejections: 26

pink rosebud

I’ve been busy querying over the last two weeks. I also participated in a Twitter pitch party (#pitDark). Not sure the 8 pitches (1 per hour) actually helped. I also worry the few people who follow me thought I went crazy. Well, I am doing what I can to get the book seen, so I guess that is what counts.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I made a plan to finish querying within a few weeks. Generally, Literary Agents will respond within 6 weeks, so that means I should get the last of the responses by mid-December. I anticipate reaching 75 queries, if not more. I believe I will have given the traditional route a fair shot. Although I may appear negative about this process, I really hope I get a positive response from an agent (or more).

two pink roses

Since I am a goal-oriented person, I really like the plan I have laid out. There are steps in place, which helps since I have been waffling about what to do. No matter the ultimate outcome, I will start writing in a couple of weeks. I cannot wait to lay hands on book 2 again. I will read it over and adjust elements to reflect the changes made to book 1. Editing will not be the goal, just getting my mind wrapped around how many changes need to be made.

two pink roses