5:00 AM Does Exist

Current Word Count: 30,760 Generally, I write early in the morning and throughout the day, when I can. I get up at 5:00 AM, give or take 10 – 15 minutes. I do not set an alarm, my body has simply decided that super early in the morning is a great time to get up. […]

Primary & Secondary

Current Word Count: 24,536 It is getting easier to write everyday. It is a cathartic experience to sit and watch a story develop on the page. I know I am the person making it happen, but it also feels like a natural (almost disconnected) process now. I sit and dump information from my brain into […]

Counting My Words and Time

Current Word Count: 15,131 I will include my current word count from now on. This will help to show my progress better than anything I can say. I will brag a bit that I wrote 3,476 words today. That is far from typical, but I was really on a roll! I decided on an Estimated […]

Productivity Hacks For Writers

I watched a Lynda.com course on Productivity Hacks For Writers, created by Jessica Brody. It was very helpful in teaching me some of the things I should have been doing already. Word count! I need to keep a daily word count, which includes having a word count goal. Who knew? Any writer, I am sure!! […]

The Strangers Are Coming…

The strangers have finally come to the encampment! I am very excited that this part of the book has come to pass! I have overarching ideas of what will generally happen in the novel, but I have not plotted out what will come next. Essentially, I sit down and write. Sometimes, I am astounded by […]