Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

Reading NOT Writing

Total Queries: 73
Total Rejections: 28

I officially stopped querying on November 5th. My heart flutters writing that. I was a few queries shy of my 75 query goal, but I am very pleased. Immense research went into the process and can truly say I only queried a few Literary Agents that didn’t explicitly say they were looking for projects like my book. I chose those agents for their reputation and the fact that they really impressed me. Otherwise, my queries were very focused on agents who wanted YA and/or Science Fiction/Fantasy/Speculative books.

What are you doing now? Great question! I am reading and adjusting my second book in the series. I was about 100 pages into writing book 2 when I stopped and went back to edit and query book 1. In editing the first book, there were changes that directly impacted book 2. I am adjusting, which means I am writing a little, but mostly reading.

Text Teaser - I was impressed when...

I was startled to realize I had not written any of book two since January. Admittedly, I was a little ashamed. I know I was busy with other book/author things, but it hurt to realize it had been so long. On a brighter note, so far I am very pleased with my writing.

I should figure out some way to track the progress of book 2, but for now we will focus on the rejections as compared to queries. Just a second, let me be positive…and we will focus on the amount of agents who want to see my completed novel.