Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing


Current Word Count: 52,719

As you can see from my word count, I have not been writing much lately. I could say it is because of how overwhelming this time of year is or family time has taken over, but it would not be true. I’ve come to realize my first book, as it is, will not be published.

I have not heard from TØP at all. I’m not mad, upset, or really even discouraged. I made up my mind that I love the story and want to see it succeed. I need a little time to figure out how to accomplish this. What are the steps I need to take so that I can publish the story on my own, without the need for copyright permission from anyone?

This also means I will stop writing book 2. Not only do I need to put all my time and energy into book 1, I have no idea how changes in book 1 will impact book 2.

Picture of a park early in the morning.

I feel a sort of peace with the decision. I probably put off making it too long…who knows maybe this was the exact time I needed to make this hard choice. Either way I will look forward and figure out what changes need to be made.