Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

So Busy

Current Word Count: 52,145

Remember that I told you I had a job other than writing? I am fairly busy with that job throughout the school year, but December ramps that busyness up to 100%. Since the main part of my position is to find resources for families, I run a Giving Tree in December, so the kids will have presents over the winter break. We have a diverse school community (ethnicity, socioeconomic, religious belief, and so much more), and I have found that no matter a person’s background we all tend to come together this time of year and do what we can for others.

Huh…what a positive thing to write. It that always true? Not so much, but I am hopeful and try to see this in others when I can. Again, maybe it is this time of year, but folks usually show up out of thin air to donate money and gifts so kids will have joy.

Black trash bags full of presents.

While this may look like a pile of trash, the bags are filled with presents. This picture only shows a small portion of the gifts waiting for distribution. It is enough to make any Scrooge’s heart sing with delight. I have a whole team of people who help organize, wrap, and fill in the gaps. I couldn’t do it without them.

There is certainly an element of stress that comes with this, a need to get it right, and not let anyone down. I am trying , and I guess that has to be enough.