Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing


Current Word Count – 51,434

I feel a sense of accomplishment, because I just filled in a blank from the first book. That is right, payoff in the second book from an obscure, but important (at least to me) part of the first book. This is another one of those plot pieces that I made a choice on early in the story, but the reader would have just taken it as fact. Now, I have detail and backstory of why it was so.

I think this plot point has the potential to make the reader think back over some of the events that happened in book one. I certainly had this in mind as I was writing. Cryptic much?

Word count dialog box.

Can we take a minute to talk about my word count? I have surpassed 50,000! I am more than half-way finished with this book. Not quite sure how that happened, but I am very happy it has. My main character has changed so much from page one of the first book, and I really like the arc. It has taken him places and put him in situations that neither of us could have foreseen.