Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

Amusement Park Adventure

Current Word Count: 64,735

We have season passes to Elitch Gardens Theme Park and the kids love it.
I, on the other hand, go on very few rides. I’m not sure what happened, because I used to ride all the thrill rides as a kid at Six Flags Over Georgia. I cannot even stomach the swings now, without feeling sick for the rest of the day. Who knows!

Writing my book at Elitch Gardens amusement park.

It works out for all of us to go to Elitch Gardens, because the kids can wander and ride whatever they want (remember my comment about self-sufficiency), and I can sit in the shade and write. I have a pair of noise canceling headphones, water bottle, and my iPad with keyboard. I’m ready to write anywhere. I think it is also helpful to get out of my normal surroundings, so I don’t get stuck in a rut.

I only have about 15,000 words left to write, before I hit my word count goal. I’m concerned that the story will not be finished by the time 80,000 words comes around. I have read too many books where the author wraps up the end too quickly, and I want to avoid that with my book. This has truly been a labor of love, so I want to do it justice.

I have been told that I worry too much, but I like to plan ahead so I have things in place before any surprises can take over. Does it always work? No, but I am usually better prepared, so I can be flexible. This being said, I am keeping an eye on my word count, while staying true to the story itself.