Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing
Want to be a beta reader?

Beta Reader

I completed the first round of editing for Book 3. While I am happy with the story, it will need several more rounds of editing before it is ready to go in the hands of my AMAZING beta readers. The lucky people chosen for beta reading will get early access to book 3 and named in the acknowledgements. If you would like to apply to be a Beta Reader, please click here.

What is a beta reader? A beta reader gains access to a manuscript prior to publication. They provide feedback on a variety of elements to help the author improve the work. Beta readers are important to the publishing process because their suggestions help shape the final version of a book.

I have a few beta readers who have been with me through several books. They are supporters of my writing that I value immensely. My acknowledgment and appreciation of their kind words and helpful comments is difficult to fully express. It warms my heart when they ask when the next book will be ready, and I can actually give it to them.

It is helpful to have fresh eyes and voices. So, if you would like to join a truly valued group of beta readers, please fill out the beta reader form.