Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

Free Promo & 46,000 words

The first book in the Divine Land of Illur series is available as a FREE Kindle eBook on Amazon from November 16th – 20th, 2022. Be sure to pick it up soon, since it will only be free for a limited time.

For those of you noticing the decent daily numbers I am posting on NaNoWriMo, I want to say I am still going strong. Because of this, I have reached 45,000 on book 3. This is amazing, since it means I am half-way through writing the book!

Since writing my first book, I used a daily word count tracker, but the concept seems heightened right now. With Nano, I am tracking my word count in Google Sheets,, and posting it on social media. Of course, I am not the only one, so I see everyone’s words per day. It is very hard not to compare yourself. 

Today, I was compelled to Google “words per day full time writers.” As you can imagine, this produced a plethora of articles and blogs that discuss this very topic. What’s even better, you ask? Well it is the listings of classic writers such as Mark Twain & Ernest Hemingway and modern authors like Stephen King and Anne Rice. You can see the words per day of at least a dozen professional writers. 

Obviously, I was very curious about the writing habits of others, but there is also a sense of trying to figure out if I am good enough yet. Despite publishing two books, am I really an author? My logical brain says yes, but my heart often pipes up saying – are you sure?

During my research today, that certainly took away from actually writing, I did come across one quote by an author that felt incredibly true. 

“There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.” 

– Somerset Maugham