Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

Settling In

Total Queries: 30
Total Rejections: 6

After a month hiatus from querying, I am settling into a routine. Each day I work, help the kids with school, query, and a few other happy endeavors. I am a creature of habit, so organizing my days feels right.

Red and white striped flowers

I queried six literary agents this week and found a couple with very interesting query manager questions. Usually, I have no preference between query manager or email, but sometimes agents truly personalize what they are asking for. One of those agents asked about favorite fandoms, astrological sign, and the soundtrack to my book. Another inquired about recent books read, what books I envisioned near mine in a bookstore, and why I wanted to query her. I appreciate the need to dig deeper into an author’s mind and personality. It is certainly a change from the typical query info.

Red rose

Today I have been thinking about what I need to do next and even what I WANT to do, since these could be different questions. I want to get back to writing the second book in the Illur series. While I was already half-way finished with the book, there are many changes that need to be implemented. I am not sure whether these are surface changes with characters or more major adjustments to the story.

Yellow rose with Japanese beetles

I’m anxious to jump back into writing, but I know that is not what I should be doing. I need to persist with querying. Unfortunately, I don’t have the capacity to do both at this time. A friend of mine, who is querying for her children’s picture book, said she read somewhere that people normally query one hundred agents before getting an acceptance from one. I have a ways to go.

Bee on a mint flower

I promise I understand this isn’t a nature blog, but I have really enjoyed taking pictures of the outside world. It has been cathartic for me during this time of isolation. As long as I don’t hear too many complaints, I will continue sharing the beauty I find.