Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

Where Have You Been?

Today is the day! I finally made myself get back to editing this morning. Not wanting to work on Rescuers From Illur (new title) has been such a difficult hurdle to overcome. The problem was caused by my blah mood and the lack of purpose reigning supreme in the household.

It doesn’t help that the kids will not physically go back to school this academic year. The decision came with the district’s vow to continue education through distance learning (online). I am hopeful, but not convinced it will work for everyone.

Instead of thinking about the upheaval, I will focus on how good it feels to get back to my book. I should be able to finish book edit number 1,592 within the next few weeks. Exaggerating? Not me!

Tasty treat, just for you:

Excerpt from the book.