Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

Packages Delivered

Current Word Count: 16,027

Three manila envelopes.

I picked up my beautifully printed books and mailed them out two days ago. I have been working so hard to send out a finished, professional book. After many rounds of editing and a lot of effort, I am very pleased with the way the book turned out! While my timeline was thrown off, I am relieved the books were finally sent.

The status is package delivered.

The books were delivered to their “first destination” this morning and will hopefully be on their way to the final destinations very soon. Once they reach “the right hands,” I hope the packages are opened and the books are intriguing enough to read.

Although it is going slow, I am glad my Dad encouraged me to start writing again. It gives me something to focus on that makes me happy. It is easy to be distracted/engaged with work and family life, but in my quiet times at home, I can turn to book 2.

The story is coming along. As I mentioned, it is slow going right now. This is due to so many things in my life that are taking time and energy. I’m also to a place in the book that requires a lot of decisions, research, and attention to detail. I want to be sure I am describing the places accurately. I hope this will all make sense in time, but for now, please know that I am trying to make book 2 as good as book 1.

I’m finding that the second installment it is a very different book, because of the main character’s arc in book 1 and the new setting. I am struggling a bit, because I don’t want to overwhelm the reader with too many characters, but it is a new place with new people. My main character has to tell the story of all the newness that is happening! I will keep going with the story in hopes that it will even out soon enough.

Always hopeful with an all too realistic undertone that off-balances any helpful optimism. Gooooo me!