Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

Primary & Secondary

Current Word Count: 24,536

It is getting easier to write everyday. It is a cathartic experience to sit and watch a story develop on the page. I know I am the person making it happen, but it also feels like a natural (almost disconnected) process now. I sit and dump information from my brain into the computer. It is truly fascinating.

The story itself is coming right along. My main character has developed an incredible relationship with the person I would also consider a primary character. My second main character (right, right, secondary character) is a good influence and very uplifting. I think my main character has changed in a positive way in a short period of time because of the amazing secondary character. Was that explanation thoroughly confusing enough?

Both characters are in such a happy place right now physically and emotionally. They are currently in Edan’s area up the hill, and I hate for them to go back to the camp. I know there will be a stramash (yes, I love Outlander) when they get back. I am anxious to see what will happen next! Remember, as my sister says, I am a “pantser” whereas she is a “plotter.” When she writes, the story is all planned out, while I just sit and write with very little knowledge of what is coming. As I mentioned before, I have overarching ideas of where the story will go, but no immediate plans.

Excerpt from the book.